Why you should always pack gifts

Here they come! Bulgarians running in state-made Speedos in the communist age. Out of the Danube, and out of an early ’80s techni-color print, at you! They’re happy to see you. And they want you to be happy too. Preferably in the Danube. … Read on

Bulgaria Secret: UFO Building

Bulgaria is one of Europe’s great roadtrip secrets. In places like Veliko Tarnovo, you can rent cars for as little as $25/day. Roads cross mountain ranges, and buffalo yogurt stands and woodcutter towns and weird monuments like the one below. Years ago I … Read on

Tagged Bulgaria, Europe, roadtrpi, secret, UFO

Random Photo: Anti-Fun Bulgarian Town

This Bulgarian town near the Black Sea is pretty much against all fun. Or at least adults, children, balls, homes and means of transport. I guess video games are cool?

Tagged Bulgaria

Feature: ’72 Moskvitch Roadtrip in Bulgaria

We all have dreams. I lived one of mine, buying and driving an old Soviet baby-blue car up/down the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast. I wrote about it for the January edition of Lonely Planet magazine (here’s the link to the story). I’ll post … Read on

Tagged Bulgaria, Moskvitch

Top 57 Things in Bulgaria

Bulgaria — in legend, if not tourism — sometimes gets lost amidst its neighbors: Greece, Turkey, Romania. I’ve gone four times on research trips and it’s kinda my favorite country. I like it more every time I go. I could probably say why … Read on

Tagged Bulgaria

Sofia Likes to Dance

Bulgaria’s famed for its yoghurt, its ski slopes, its beaches and its lovely little head bob which you never know means ‘yes,’ ‘no,’ ‘as you wish,’ ‘I’m glad you’re happy’ or ‘kindly leave my sight.’ On my last night recently, some Sofia friends … Read on

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