Only One Day in Danang?

For a mostly ignored port town, Danang surprisingly can fill a great day. Start with a breakfast of beef, with a sizzling plate of bo ne at BO NE QUOC MINH, then head to south of the center

Bo Ne

for a look at the CHAM MUSEUM. If you have a motorbike, or a guy taking you, head out to the MARBLE MOUNTAINS for a poke around the cave pagodas — and look for trident-bearing ghouls in the hilarious HELL CAVE. Come back by the beach, perhaps stopping for a plate of fresh squid at one of the BEACHSIDE RESTAURANTS, a couple kilometers east of the center. In the afternoon, walk along Danang’s HAN RIVER PROMENADE in the center and get a cheap dinner of mi quang at MI QUANG QUAN 1A.