‘Hue food takes all five senses. When you eat a meal in Hue, it’s not just get your stomach full, but to feel the beauty and spirit of Hue.’ — Hue local

Vietnamese Tapas!
Tapas Everywhere in Vietnam has their own spin on noodles and rice and grilled fish and stewed meats. And then there’s Hue, which brings a whole new dining option to a Vietnam trip. According to some Vietnamese cuisine nerds, of Vietnam’s 1700 dishes, 1400 or so come from Hue. Supposedly the emperors sought new dishes, and put many demands on their chefs, who strove for the ever ‘new specialty.’ Never wanting to bore an emperor, choices were often served in tiny, bite-sized portions, with extra spice, so several choices could be sampled in one meal.

Street vendors got in the act too, putting equal sophistication in nem lui rolls or banh khoai pancakes. Saigon and Hanoi have upscale ‘Hue’ restaurants, but the food’s better here, in tiny little mom’n’pop places in its homeland. Do not leave without trying a couple.

In addition to the traditional Hue dishes, vegetarian food is taken seriously in Hue, as is Buddhism. You’ll find many excellent choices – as good or better as any vegetarian food in Vietnam. Read my blog entry on Hue food too.

On the other side of the coin, the local beer Huda is tasty too.

Follow these links for various types of eateries, ordered by preference:


Best Street Food CUNG AN DINH (see Hue Food)
Best Atmosphere Meal Y THAO GARDEN (see Hue Food)
Best Vegetarian TINH TAM RESTAURANT (see Vegetarian Food)
Best Burger’n'Beer WHY NOT CAFE? (see Traveler’s Cafes)

If you need fancy, go to La Residence’s restaurant (see Accommodations).