76-Second Travel Show: ‘What’s the Harvard/Yale of Travel?’

Episode #046
F E A T U R I N G * 8 5 * B O N U S * S E C O N D S

Those who think the Red Sox/Yankees are the best rivalry in US sports ought to spend more time around college football. Considering the numbers of times baseball teams square off each year, and — then — how meaningless each game really is, nothing beats college football.

Particularly when it’s two teams playing for nothing but pride. Harvard and Yale were, historically, instrumental in CREATING the sport of football. Unlike the big BCS teams, they have no polls, no bowls, no championships looming — just a regular-season schedule capped with one of the biggest unseen rivalries in the country.

Sports in general is an underrated way of connecting with locals anywhere you go. And I found the same joy from mingling in the whirlwind of overcoats and scarves at Harvard Stadium a week-and-a-half ago. It was fun. And different from games back in Oklahoma. No merch stands, programs were free, and there were a lot of people in overcoats and scarves. One woman, a proud Crimson fan, told me, ‘The boys sing 10,000 Men of Harvard in the locker room after each win.’ So?, I thought. ‘First in English, then in Latin.’

Football players who sing in Latin? Definitely not in Oklahoma anymore.

About Robert Reid

Robert Reid is a travel writer (Lonely Planet, New York Times, ESPN), travel expert (Today Show, CNN's Headline News), travel videographer (76-Second Travel Show) and travel artist (don't ask).
Tagged football, Harvard, Massachusetts, USA, Yale. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to 76-Second Travel Show: ‘What’s the Harvard/Yale of Travel?’

  1. scuba says:

    really nice

  2. Pingback: reidontravel | 44 fun things I did with Lonely Planet

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