What are the top travel destinations for 2016? I don’t know

I don’t mind lists. They are OK in moderation, and if their creator cares about them. Nurtures them. Or at least approaches one like any travel story: ensuring what’s written adds to the conversation of a place or topic. Because otherwise it’s just more noise.

A couple years ago, I tracked 2014’s lists for Skift and noted an explosion in “best of” lists each year. People make them because they get hits. I get it. But last year, I — the “travel expert” — admitted I have no idea where you ought to travel to. Trying to figure it out sort of stresses me out. Too many unknowns: I don’t know your budget, where you live, where you’ve been. Who are you?

Screen Shot 2015-11-27 at 5.23.13 PMSo, if you’re getting worn out on these lists, or on things like Black Friday promotions, or sponsored #chats on Twitter, or the curated attention to increasingly lazy Super Bowl ads, I have a solution: just eat an egg.

In this video above, I eat one on the Great Wall of China. By myself. In silence. And it felt really good.



About Robert Reid

Robert Reid is a travel writer (Lonely Planet, New York Times, ESPN), travel expert (Today Show, CNN's Headline News), travel videographer (76-Second Travel Show) and travel artist (don't ask).
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3 Responses to What are the top travel destinations for 2016? I don’t know

  1. Pingback: What are the top travel destinations for 2016? I don't know … | Travel World

  2. stayinlanka says:

    Really this is nice post.Thanks for share.

  3. navneet says:

    nice post dear.thanks for the info


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