RACH GIA - Transport


The airport – a wee thing, but under renovation – sends Vietnam Airlines flights to Saigon four times weekly and Phu Quoc daily. At research time, flights to Phu Quoc left at 8am (Mon, Wed, Fri & Sat) and 9.30am (Tue, Thu & Sun); flights to Saigon left at 8am and 10.40am (Mon, Wed, Fri & Sat) or 9.30am (Tue, Thu & Sun). Times change a little, but they generally leave at 9.30am or 10.40am. A xe om ride out there with luggage is about 20,000D ($1.25).

From Kim Co, it’s two blocks east to major thoroughfare Tran Phu. Half a block east is the VIETNAM AIRLINES OFFICE (tel 077-924-4320; 228 Tran Phu; open 7-11am, 1.30-5pm), which can sell tickets for flights to Phu Quoc ($17 one way) and Saigon ($33 one way).


The Phu Quoc–bound speedboat leaves three or four times daily. Two go at 8am, another one or two around 1.30pm. Contact Kien Giang Tourist Center, or ask at the hotel for tickets. The 2-1/2-hour trip to An Tho, on the southern tip of Phu Quoc, costs 160,000D ($10) one way.

Boats to Ca Mau, in southwestern Mekong Delta, leave daily from a couple kilometers south of the center. Motorcycle-taxi guys will know where to go. The boat trip takes about three hours and costs about 100,000D ($6.25).


The bus station is 600m north of the center, off Nguyen Binh Khiem street (a $0.65 ride by Honda taxi). From the bus station, there are regular buses to Ha Tien, Chau Doc, Cantho and Saigon. From Saigon, the best direct service is MAI LINH (tel 08-929-2929; 211 Pham Ngu Lao St, Saigon), which runs direct service to Rach Gia (US$.5.30, 7hr).