All the hotels have restaurants, many with nice spots facing the beach or pool. The main road is lined with a number of restaurants – including Indian, Mexican, seafood options. Just wander between Sailing Club and Saigon Mui Ne Resort, roughly. If you’re looking for a splurge meal, go to Victoria Phan Thiet’s L’OCEAN, specializing in French food in a stylish setting.

SON QUYNH (260 Nguyen Dinh Chieu St) is a goat restaurant popular with villagers; it’s just west of Little Mui Ne Cottages, near the east end of the long beach. In the central area, a friendly family at NGOC PHUONG (Km 12/2 Ham Tien) serves ‘Vietnam Good Food’ for less than the hotels (dishes are US$1.50 to US$2.50).