Does Dust Count as White? A hundred miles or so north of Yangon, where I am now, Myanmar’s big fat dry belly begins. In towns like Magwe, Meiktila, Taungoo and Mingyan (rhymes with ‘engime’) palm leaves sway in the light breeze,but during Christmas season – the heart of the dry season – they’recaked in dust. If you squint, it almost looks like snow. … Continue reading


Boat Collisions & Rat Sex Some read novels by Graham Greene and Ernest Hemingway less for the great writing but the envy of experiencing exciting transitional times in transitional lands at ages long past. That’s happening now in Myanmar. One of my favorite places seems even farther back. The last time I visited the Rakhine ancient kingdom of Mrauk U (Monkey-Egg, no one … Continue reading


I have a new favorite city A scrappy port town near Bangladesh, where the wide muddy Kaladan River mixes with the Bay of Bengal, Sittwe is not loved by most visitors. Getting here means a full-day boat ride from an already-isolated port town Taunggok – or an hour flight from Yangon or Thandwe, which I opted for. A couple hotels, powered round-the-clock by … Continue reading


Myanmar‘s Great Sun-And-Sand Destination Meets a New Sort of Traveler I noticed the guy long before we met. A gray-haired accented foreigner with a baseball-style bamboo hat with a tiny Swiss flag sticking out the top. At the Thandwe Airport, where foreigners looking for ‘escape’ flies in for a few days to the Ngapali Beach resorts. Locals were meeting him warmly with embraces, … Continue reading