Only one day in Hoi An?

Wake at 5am for the ‘sunrise tour’ to MY SON and be back for breakfast by 9am. Then walk into the historic center for a second dose of coffee at HAI SCOUT CAFÉ, and take in a few sights, not missing the JAPANESE COVERED BRIDGE, perhaps the CLOTH MARKET and HAI NAM ASSEMBLY HALL (all on the ‘FREE WALKING TOUR’). For lunch, motorbike or taxi to the CUA DAI BEACH and randomly pick a beachfront restaurant for some grilled squid, then get your feet wet for a bit, and return to the old town’s canal to see about a two-hour BOAT TRIP from the docks. For dinner, you have to go with the ‘seafood platter’ at HOI AN HAI SAN, then maybe a beer on the balcony at TAM TAM CAFÉ.