
Two airlines serve Danang’s airport, 30km north. Vietnam Airlines ( flies at least a few times daily to Hanoi (US$66) and Saigon (US$56), plus daily flights to Cam Rang/Nha Trang, Quy Nhon, Ban Me Thuot and Pleiku. Pacific Airlines ( has cheaper rates – and more frequent delays – with three daily flights to Saigon (US$34-42).

A taxi is about US$10 to/from Hoi An.


The ‘open bus’ circuit – up and down the coast – naturally pulls into Hoi An. Nightly service heading south begins here, leaving at 6.30pm for Quy Nhon (US$6; 6-7hr), Nha Trang (US$7-8; 12hr), Mui Ne (US$11; 18-19hr) and Saigon (US$12; 24hr). A north-bound bus goes at 8am and 2pm for Hue (US$2.50; 5hr), but only the 2pm bus goes on to Ninh Binh (US$10; 16hr) or Hanoi (US$12; 18hr).

Who you go with on your ‘open bus’ circuit is another question. Sometimes you’ll buy a seat for X then get picked up by Y, depending on availability and whims. Buy your seat at travel agencies around town.

You can also get buses here to Vientiane, Laos (US$20) and Phnom Penh (US$12) via Saigon.


Travel agencies or your hotel can arrange a car with driver for the day. Prices start around US$40 or US$45. Try Sinh Café and the like if you’re hotel’s more expensive. See Travel Agencies.

Local Transport

The old town closes to vehicles 8-11am and 1-4pm Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. You can rent a bicycle (about US$1 per day) or motorbike (US$4.50 per day) all over town, including the sidewalk stand on Le Loi St just south of Tran Hung Dao St.


The nearest train station is 30km north in Danang, with daily service to Nha Trang (US$20-23; 8-10hr), Saigon (US$28-33), Hue (US$11; 3hr) and Hanoi (US$28-29; 14-17hr).