76-Second Travel Show: ‘Quebec City’s Ice Hotel’

Episode #048
F E A T U R I N G * 7 1 * B O N U S * S E C O N D S

I’ve jumped from Soviet aircraft, thrown lead weights at dynamite in Bogota, and even been on a horse in upstate New York. But in Quebec City, I found something I just couldn’t do: a night at the Ice Hotel.

Does saying ‘no’ make you a travel wimp?

About Robert Reid

Robert Reid is a travel writer (Lonely Planet, New York Times, ESPN), travel expert (Today Show, CNN's Headline News), travel videographer (76-Second Travel Show) and travel artist (don't ask).
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3 Responses to 76-Second Travel Show: ‘Quebec City’s Ice Hotel’

  1. The Epic Adventurer says:

    Absolutely not! Sometime, you just gotta say no!

  2. Pingback: reidontravel | 34 reasons I don’t travel like a local

  3. Rcky says:

    A night at Ice hotel that was really a great experience for you. Quebec City is such a one nice destination for going to spend holidays.

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