I’ve Never Been to Cleveland

In January, the Atlantic did a survey of an issue that often overlaps with my feeling of why travel is so important: perception. Often we find outside perceptions of a place immediately burst when you go. Things like, oh, that in the ’90s, that Americans should be leery of traveling in Vietnam, travel to places like Colombia or Mexico is too dangerous to … Read on

Why I’m not speaking with Cleveland’s Rock’n'Roll Hall of Fame

I’m not on speaking terms with Cleveland’s Rock’n’Roll Hall of Fame — that is, not until the greatest Canadian three-piece prog-rock band RUSH gets inducted. Any place that takes rock seriously — and presents fame badges to the likes of a Seger, Hollies and Jackson Browne — needs to stop what they’re doing and watch this: Seriously, if thousands of model-looking 20-year-olds in … Read on