Right Pants: “How to remember travel?”

Robert-Edward-ReidWelcome, after many delays and doubts, to the debut of THE RIGHT PANTS. For Episode 001, I’m discussing how to remember travel (a subject I recently kicked around for a National Geographic Traveler article).

Often I feel overwhelmed by the sheer outlets for “documentation” on travels — posting photos/quips by social media, taking photos on a digital camera too, often video on a video camera, writing down quotes or sketches of moustaches in a journal. I talk with a couple New Yorker writers, an architect who writes poems and Marco Polo’s cellmate here, and come up with the verdict: to remember travel you have to have something worth remembering, and that’s best done, not just by slowing down, but stopping. (Also features 0:11 of Romania.)

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About Robert Reid

Robert Reid is a travel writer (Lonely Planet, New York Times, ESPN), travel expert (Today Show, CNN's Headline News), travel videographer (76-Second Travel Show) and travel artist (don't ask).
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One Response to Right Pants: “How to remember travel?”

  1. Pingback: reidontravel | Video: “Romania hijacks Travel Journal Poll”

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