HA TIEN - Transport


A bus goes half hourly to Rach Gia (28,000D; 2-1/2 or 3hr), four or so times daily to Chau Doc (30,000D; 3-4 hr), three times to Can Tho (47,000-67,000; 6-10hr – avoid the one that goes the long way on the 10-hour trip), about seven times to Saigon (80,000/114,000D night/morning; 10/7hr). There’s no bus service to Hon Chon unfortunately.

Boat to Phu Quoc

Your hotel can help you get aboard an 8am boat to Phu Quoc from Ba Hon, a 30-minute ride east. Many locals use the boats to ship goods to sell on the island. It reaches Ham Ninh (on the east side of Phu Quoc), costs 120,000D, and supposedly takes about three hours. Don’t go during rainy season. One capsized in August 2006 – during rocky rainy season – killing all aboard. During that time it’s safer to fly or go by the speedboat from Rach Gia.

Getting Around

Everyone walks around the center. There are a few Honda guys around if you need a ride to the bus station or to Ba Hon. Try TRAN QUANG CUONG (tel 0986-394-438), a nice 30-something guy who speaks English and sometimes provides ‘security’ at the Hai Van hotel. He can also arrange a car for about 1,500,000D per day.

You can rent a bike for about 20,000D per day.