Gettysburg is 150


On no levels is Gettysburg, which is commemorating its 150th anniversary, just a battlefield. The site in south-central Pennsylvania, run by the national park service, carries a big wallop even for those who find the History Channel a bore. A few years ago I went to find out how re-enactors decide who “dies” first during mock battles. To be honest, learned next to … Read on

Las Vegas Secret: Valley of Fire


“Hate” is too strong a word, so I’ll just say I’ll never invite Las Vegas to my pizza party. (Though I once tried to turn “Sin City” into ScIeNce City.”) That said, because the fact that such a booming bizarro of a city could exist in a Mars-like setting, I don’t mind going there. As long as I can leave. My favorite daytrip … Read on

Woody Guthrie’s got a home in Tulsa


 Everyone knows who Woody Guthrie was, right? Folk singer who sang about the Dust Bowl, the Columbia River and killing fascists? He grew up in Oklahoma, but the author of “This Land is Your Land” was the eternal rambler — and not just because he wrote “I Ain’t Got No Home In this Home Anymore”. But now he has a permanent home, in … Read on