On the Today Show: Spring Break in Cancún

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Visit NBCNews.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy Here’s the video link of my appearance on the Today Show yesterday, discussing whether or not you should consider going to Cancún for Spring Break. I’d add this: New Orleans, which recently hosted the Super Bowl, has 30 times the homicide rate as Cancún. The Bahamas has twice the homicide rate … Read on

NYC Secret: Hispanic Society of America


            Next time you’re at 156th and Broadway — not that many New Yorkers or visitors to New York ever are — look west. The Audubon Terrace is a group of eight Beaux Art buildings that come as quite a shock. They’re home to a few institutions like the Hispanic Society of America, founded in 1904. It’s fun. … Read on

Bulgaria Secret: UFO Building

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Bulgaria is one of Europe’s great roadtrip secrets. In places like Veliko Tarnovo, you can rent cars for as little as $25/day. Roads cross mountain ranges, and buffalo yogurt stands and woodcutter towns and weird monuments like the one below. Years ago I bought a great old Soviet 35mm camera for about $20 at a flea market in Sofia, Bulgaria. Sometimes I remember … Read on

My dad’s ‘bucket list’: Black Hills, South Dakota


Last year, on the 10th anniversary of my dad’s death, I wrote about taking my dad to one his ‘bucket list’ destinations — before that term was in use: the Black Hills of South Dakota. As I wrote last April: Lonely Planet sent me on a research trip around the Great Plains, and I cajoled him away from work for a few days … Read on