47 or so Dumb Things I’ve Done Traveling

Twenty years ago, I was a quarter way through my first Eurail check-the-country-off-the-list trip across Europe — London to Rome in 20 days. I don’t regret it, but sometimes I think twice about how I spent that July 14 — the 200th anniversary of Paris’ Bastille Day. I was time-killing a day a few hours north in Bruges, leisurely walking by canals, sitting … Continue reading

My New Travel Role: The Daddy Traveler

A year ago at this time, I was paddling in a homemade kayak in remote Kamchatka, Russia’s volcano-filled peninsula dangling in Alaska’s face. I traveled with a crew of five locals far crustier than I am. We hiked along bear trails, swatted away thousands of mosquitoes, and dove into breath-takingly cold streams we drank from. We ate freshly caught fish filets and packed … Continue reading

44 Little Travel Rules No One Tells You

Robert Reid hat shop

I’ve gone a few miles over the years. And here are 44 little things about travel I picked up on the way.   Wash your hands before you sleep, unless you don’t mind it if cute rats lick your fingers clean. When kindness comes from strangers, accept it. If you don’t know if they expect a tip, you can offer one — but … Continue reading

Top 8 Questionable US City Tourism Slogans

Question: how do you represent your city or town – be it a major tourist destination, or an out-of-the-way farm town no one really knows about it – in a few snappy words? Another question: should you even try? When San Diego’s FM 94.9 radio station asked Lonely Planet for help on the city’s new tourist slogan (‘Happy Happens’) last week, I started … Continue reading